I believe one of the easiest and best ways we can improve our health and wellbeing is to connect with nature. When we are able to connect ourselves directly to the earth barefoot we are connecting to a battery pack with infinite power.
The best way to practice earthing is to just go outside and walk barefoot, however, when this isn't possible due to cold weather or certain areas, earthing mats provide the exact same benefits!
Earthing while sleeping is so easy and allows the body to receive so many benefits while you literally just sleep.
Incredible benefits of grounding
Sleeping grounded on an indoor grounding device has been shown to...
Reduce pain and inflammation
Improve immunity
Improve sleep
Improve metabolism, cellular function
Decrease cortisol, stress, anxiety and depression
Improve circulation, blood pressure, blood viscosity and blood glucose levels
Up-regulate energy, performance, recovery and wound healing
Improve mood
Improve thyroid function
Reduce jet lag